UDP Server-Client interaction
Source code for UDP SERVER:=https://github.com/shouvik126/networking-UDP-
//Programme for UDP server #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include<netinet/in.h> #include<arpa/inet.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<netdb.h> #include<fcntl.h> #define PORT_NUM 1500 //port number on which message will recieve and send int main() { int sock; //variable for socket descriptor(server) int len; //variable for initialize structure length char out_buf[100],in_buf[100]; //variable for input and output message initialize struct sockaddr_in server,client; sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); //socket descripter for server(using ipv4) server.sin_family=AF_INET; server.sin_port=htons(PORT_NUM); //host to network short byte word server.sin_addr.s_addr=htonl(INADDR_ANY);//host to network long byte order len=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); //storing length of structure (define below) bind(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&server,len);//binding the socket with port num and ip printf("server is waiting.....\n"); //server goes to listen mode(explicitely define in tcp server) recvfrom(sock,in_buf,sizeof(in_buf),0,(struct sockaddr *)&client,&len);//recieve byte by byte stream from client //at 'in_buf' through server socket printf("request accepted.................\n"); printf("recieve from client...message:=%s\n",in_buf); //display message recieve from client strcpy(out_buf,"HI mr.client I have got your message"); //storing string at 'out_buf' sendto(sock,out_buf,(strlen(out_buf)+1),0,(struct sockaddr *)&client,len);//stream send to client through socket //(here length is increase by 1 because to assign null //explicitely at the end of the stream 'out_buf') close(sock); }
Source code for UDP SERVER:=https://github.com/shouvik126/networking-UDP-
//programmme for udp client #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include<netinet/in.h> #include<arpa/inet.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<netdb.h> #include<fcntl.h> #define PORT_NUM 1500 //port number on which message will recieve and send #define SERVER_IP ""//loop back address as i am using same system for botth server and client int main() { int sock; //variable for socket descriptor(client) int len; //variable for initialize structure length char out_buf[100],in_buf[100]; //variable for input and output message initialize struct sockaddr_in server; //server address is required by client but viceversa is not needed sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0);//socket descripter for server(using ipv4) server.sin_family=AF_INET; server.sin_port=htons(PORT_NUM); //host to network short byte word server.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(SERVER_IP);//function 'inet_addr()' converts the Internet host address cp from // IPv4 numbers-and-dots notation into binary data in network byte order. len=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); //storing length of structure (define below) strcpy(out_buf,"hey server i am connecting with you..");//storing stream at out_buf for sending to server sendto(sock,out_buf,(strlen(out_buf)+1),0,(struct sockaddr *)&server,len);//stream send to client through socket //(here length is increase by 1 because to assign null //explicitely at the end of the stream 'out_buf') recvfrom(sock,in_buf,sizeof(in_buf),0,(struct sockaddr *)&server,&len); //recieve byte by byte stream from client //at 'in_buf' through server socket printf("recieve from server message:=%s\n",in_buf); close(sock); }
- SCREENSHOT--------
Explanation of different functions and structure
Data structure used to hold address information
- struct sockaddr{
unsigned short sa_family;char sa_data[14];}sa_family is the domain type ex-
AF_UNIX, AF_LOCAL Local communication
AF_INET IPv4 Internet protocols
AF_INET6 IPv6 Internet protocols
AF_IPX IPX - Novell protocols
AF_NETLINK Kernel user interface device
- struct sockaddr_in{
short sin_family;unsigned short sin_port;struct in_addr sin_addr;char sin_zero[8];}sin_family is same as above sa_family i,e domain type ex-AF_UNIX, AF_LOCAL Local communication
AF_INET IPv4 Internet protocols
AF_INET6 IPv6 Internet protocols
AF_IPX IPX - Novell protocols
AF_NETLINK Kernel user interface device
sin_port---It is for assignning port number
in_addr sin_addr----here in_addr is a structure whose variable is sin_addr,it is used for assigning ip address.
sin_zero----It is used for padding
- struct in_addr{
s_addr---- it is used for storing 4 byte IP address(32 bit IPsocket() - A Connection End point
- This creates an end point for network connection.
domin=AF_INET(ipv4 protocol)
- Eample :=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)
- This al returns 1 ,when socket descriptor on success and -1 on an error
bind() - Attaching to an IP and Port
- Aserver call bind to attach itself to a specific port and IP address
int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *my_address, socklen_t address_length);
my_addr=pointer to a valid sockaddr_in structure cast as a sockaddr *pointer
addrlen=lngth of the sockaddr_in structurlisten() - wait for a connection
- The serverprocess calls listen to tell the kernal to initialize a wait queueof connection for this socket
listen(int sock, int backlog);
sock=socket returned by socket()
backlog=maximum length of the pending connections queue
- Example:listen(sock,10);
Accept() - A new connection!
> Accept is called by a Server process to accept new connections from new clients trying to connect to the server
accept(int soccket, (struct sockaddr *)&client, socklen_t *client_len)
socket= the socket in listen state
client=will hold new clients information when accept returns
client_len=pointer to size of the client structure
struct sockaddr_in client;
int len=sizeof(client);
accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &len);
connect() - connect to a service
>Connect is automatically called by a client to connect to a serverport
conect(int sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, socklen_t len)
sock : a socket returned by socket()
server_addr : a sockaddr_in struct pointer filled with all the remote server detailes and cast as a sockaddr struct pointer
len : size of the server_addr struct
connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, len);
Send/Recv - Finally Data !!
> send(),recv(),read(),write() etc calls are used to send or recieve data
int send(int sock, void *mesg, size_t len,int flag)
int recv(int sock, void *mesg, size_t len, int flag)
sock=Aconnected socket
mesg=pointer to a buffered to send /recieve data from/in
len=size of the message buffer
The return value is the number of bytes actually sent/recieved
char send_buffer[1024];
char recv_buffer[1024];
int sent_bytes;
int recv_bytes;
recv_bytes=recv(sock, recv buffer,1024,0);
close) - T termiate the connection
>close() =This signal indicates the end of the communication between server &c lient, this also closes the socket
close(int sock)
sock=the socketto close
Nice ..
ReplyDeleteEasy to understand