Source Code:=
//programme for simple server
void main()
int server_sockid, client_sockid;//to store socket descriptor for server and client
int server_len,client_len; //to store client amd server structure size
char out_buf[100],in_buf[100]; //to store the sent and recieve message
struct sockaddr_un server_address;//structure variable for server
struct sockaddr_un client_address;//structure variable for client
unlink("server_socket"); //deleate the name from the file system
//means the name or process which last
//link to the file"server_socket" and ensure
//that no other process also opened that file
//then the space used by that name or process
//is deleated
server_sockid=socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);//socket descripter for server
server_address.sun_family=AF_UNIX; //define the family EX-AF_UNIX(for local communication),AF_INET(ipv4)
strcpy(server_address.sun_path,"server_socket");//assign "server_socket" file to current socket descriptor
server_len=sizeof(server_address); //size of the structure sockaddr_un
bind(server_sockid,(struct sockaddr *)&server_address,server_len);//bind the server socket with the family
//and path defined above
//listen(server_sockid,5); //server goes to listen mode and wait for client
client_len=sizeof(client_address); //size of the structure sockaddr_un
client_sockid=accept(server_sockid, (struct sockaddr *)&client_address, &client_len);//connection established
//store the client descriptor at
printf("\nEnter message:=");//store message at'out_buf' for sending to client
send(client_sockid, out_buf, (strlen(out_buf)+1), 0); //message is sent to client descriptor through 'out_buf'
//and length is increase by 1 because to explicitely assign null
//at the end of the stream
recv(client_sockid,in_buf,sizeof(in_buf),0); //recieving message from client socket descriptor through 'in_buf'
printf("\nRecieved from client----data=%s\n",in_buf); //printing message
close(server_sockid);//closing 2 descriptor
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//programme for simple client
void main()
int client_sockid;//to store socket descriptor for client
int client_len; //to store client amd server structure size
char out_buf[100],in_buf[100];//to store the sent and recieve message
struct sockaddr_un client_address;//structure variable for client
client_sockid=socket(AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0);//client descripter for client
client_address.sun_family=AF_UNIX; //define the family EX-AF_UNIX(for local communication),AF_INET(ipv4)
strcpy(client_address.sun_path,"server_socket");//assign "server_socket" file to current socket descriptor
client_len=sizeof(client_address);//size of the structure sockaddr_un
connect(client_sockid,(struct sockaddr *)&client_address,client_len);//connect to the server which is
//in listen mode
recv(client_sockid,in_buf,sizeof(in_buf),0); //recieve message from server through client socket
//in 'in_buf'
printf("recieve from server data......'%s'\n",in_buf);//printing recieved message
printf("\nEnter a message:=");//store message at'out_buf' for sending to servr
send(client_sockid,out_buf,(strlen(out_buf)+1),0);//message is sent to server descriptor through 'out_buf'
} //and length is increase by 1 because to explicitely assign null
//at the end of the stream
//close(client_sockid);//close client socket descriptor
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